The Maldives Surfing Story

The Maldives surfing story started with the chance shipwrecking of an Australian adventurer in the early 1970’s. A well guarded secret for nearly 15 years, eventually the treasures of these atolls were beginning to be enjoyed by traveling surfers and locals alike. Whilst there are many well known breaks, hidden gems remain for those with the local knowledge and understanding of these complex atolls.

Maldives Waves

The Maldives has a bit of everything – long playful walls, hot dogging waves to barrelling runners. The lips tend to be less thick and the reefs less gnarly than many other tropical surfing destinations, meaning less serious injuries. Generally touted as less intense than say Fiji or Indonesia, Maldives waves can still pack a punch. Amazing options abound for all levels of surfer. We don’t detail all the well known spots – there is plenty of info on these available – it is the lesser known setups that can make the real difference.

Maldives Surfing Zones

The Maldives atolls are generally separated into 3 distinct surfing zones. Each fires up under specific conditions, favours particular weather patterns and performs according to specific seasonal differences. In order to get the best out of your Maldives surf charter, a vessel with a knowledgeable, locally experienced guide and crew is the key. There is so much at play with local weather and tidal patterns – so much more than can be determined by merely checking an online surf forecast.

North & South Male Zone

This area has the highest concentration of the most well known breaks, with easy access from Male international Airport. Some real gems here, though with this concentration of waves being so accessible, so to come the crews. Is all about timing here – uncrowded sessions are still possible when the conditions are favourable. Once the swell is up the surfers disperse and when the winds are favourable multiple options spread out the boats.

Central Zone

Some of our favourite setups lay in this zone. The breaks tend to be more dispersed than the Male area, meaning longer travel times between waves. This is where a good understanding of weather and some local insight comes into play. Look at the map and you would not believe some of the places we surf. Something for everyone here, with long reeling lefts and rights, to some more playful setups.

Southern Zone

Here, like the Male zone, the waves tend to be in close proximity. They do though require specific conditions to get going. More open to swell than other areas of The Maldives, it is the wind that needs close monitoring. Not always the empty wave zone it is often advertised as, though when conditions are favourable, there are many options for spreading the crews.

Hidden Zones

Between and around these distinct zones are some much lesser known waves. Hidden gems. Waves that light up under particular conditions. We continue to spend weeks every season exploring the immense potential of these incredible atolls. Always surprising, revealing treasure to those who put in the hard work and research. Saltwater will always strive to get you surfing the best possible waves based on our constant assessment of conditions and forecasts. Explore outside the ordinary on a Saltwater adventure.